Sunday, December 19, 2021

Tokyo's Magic Door!

Money Heist: Part 1. 
Tokyo-( a member of heist and her lover- Rio, sitting on a bathroom floor in Royal Mint of Spain)
Tokyo has just got a news of her mother's death and she feels guilty. Remembering her mother, she narrates a story to Rio. 

Tokyo: "She was so pretty and I made her so upset. She only wanted to protect me. She loved me. She loved me like crazy. She wanted me to turn myself in prison, so she wouldn't see me dead on TV. When I was little, if she was there I didn't worry about anything. She just wasn't always there. My Mom worked at a luggage factory. When the money ran out of the end of the month, she'd work at night. She didn't have anyone to take care of me. So I was home alone. I was so scared. I was eight or nine. 
So my mom invented a trick. She drew a door on my bedroom wall. It was a magic door. If I was scared, I could open it and she would be right there. But she said I could only open it once. Only one time in my life if I needed her. So, when I was afraid, I always thought, I need to hold out just a little more, a little more. I never opened it."
Rio: "You're the strongest person I know and the most incredible."
Fear: Such a perplexed emotion. It's a shadow of our own weaknesses we want to run away from. We all have these shadows lingering around us and waiting to captivate us from the little spaces of our thoughts. But I believe fear is....incredible! It's a blend of some hidden tragedies and a symphony of some unsaid self-insecurities. It's a terrified yet an inflamed feeling of falling from the edge of a mountain with sinking heart, trembling hands and warm eyes. I believe fear is like a poetess within us who writes mind-numbing elegies to her beloved at night and crumbles them at dawn to smile pretentiously at the world again. She escapes from the world, from herself each day.
But you know what's even more splendid than our fears?
It's that "power to stand against them". Our power to deal with them strongly. Strength: Such a mighty emotion. And more incredible than fear. And that's what we call 'Tokyo's Magic Door!' We all have that door around us or within us. Sometimes, it's carved on a small tile of our bathroom wall and sometimes it stands still in a nook of our minds to be opened only once in our life. 
But that tiny door gives us the power to hold out a little longer everytime when we feel that we are going to fall off that edge. The power to close our drenched eyes, to slowly breathe hope and to calm the chaos. 
It makes us believe that if we don't run away from our fears and face them boldly today, then we might save our chance to open the door tomorrow. It makes us accept our tragedies and rejoice with those symphonies, a little longer each day. It gives us a secure feeling that our gaurdian angel exists on the other of the door to save us but..just once. And so, we need to find it and keep it safe with us. And once that magical door is found, our poetess would never scratch those elegies again but would graciously read them for the world in the memory of her beloved. And just like Tokyo, she would be the strongest person ever known. 
  - Inspired from Spanish Series- Money Heist. 

Friday, February 19, 2021

YOU and ME

You and me are unknown. We are in a loop. Wandering infinitely in a translucent horizon. We are a mystic, you and me. A mystery which is away from the fair and realistic shades of the world, carrying the dreams that we have never told anyone. We are two strangers bruised by our past, obscured from our present and unknown from our future. 
We are the uncertain fears, the unnamed desires and the unsung melodies. 
We are like an unfinished book. You know, like the fading ink on the withered yellow page which is stuck with a dried feather?
We are like the unrevealed story of that book. A story left in agonies, waiting to know its end; afraid, shaking, shattering and questioning whether it would be peaceful like ever or dreadful like...never? 
but believing it to be magnificent no matter what! And still..awaiting. 

Awaiting for the mystic to unfold and finally meet each other on the last page. 
With hope, 
-Your destiny.

Sunday, January 17, 2021


It rules this city. It keeps it alive. 
Faith makes it breathe, laugh, squall and again, rejoice in the tranquil dusk after a dreadful the blooming love after a perished heartbreak and like a dazzle of hope in the incessant chaos. 
No matter how much the fear and pain dance on streets and float in the air, stays. 
No matter how much the anguish and distress blow their colours upon the people here, stays. 
It is inherent. Intrinsic. Buried deep to the core.

Sometimes it peers through the twilight of the drowning sun, 
sometimes it flows through the breeze of the dawn.
Sometimes it winks through twinkling stars, 
And sometimes it smiles through the flawed moon. 
Sometimes it flourishes with an evening prayer,
sometimes it shines with the crackers, lights or the decorated tree.
Sometimes it tells stories of triumphs and wars through fragrant pages, 
And sometimes it dances with the melodies of odes.
Sometimes it is an exquisite idea coated with radiant colours and painted on a canvas,
And sometimes it is clicked within the haze of the zenith. 
Sometimes, it is atoms or molecules or protons or neutrons,
While sometimes, it is epics of valour and courage.

Though sometimes it sinks in the lakes and seas with a garland of flowers and with hails all around,
Or though sometimes it ends with laughs and a celebration of food, gifts and desserts,
It still remains with a tint to arrive again. 

And though it burns into flames and is crushed into ashes..
or is perished into soil with an elegy..
It still resurrects. It rises and gains life. 
It is never vanished. It is never extinguished.

And faith..
It does not belong to someone. It is not magnificent for some and narrow for others. It is not vivid for some and gloomy for others. It is not black or pink..neither rich nor poor. Never weak. Never strong. 

It is just a heart pounding in every single body and soul.