When Baba stepped in that night..our eyes lingered, not on his sweaty shirt and his withered face..but on the crumbled silvery packet in his hand.
Aai, catching a glimpse of the same, quickly restored her eyes on Baba's tired face.
Baba, realizing the movements of our dreamy eyes, said, "today I have got bread for you all!"
And suddenly those cracking words, that languid voice coming from his desolate body along with that wrinkled smile glancing his broken tooth, felt like a dream!
Today dinner was like a pageantry.
It was filled with enthusiasm, joy and laughters. Oh! After so long..
All brisky, all exquisite.
And then the most awaited sight for our dried eyes, our moaning stomachs and for our aching bodies was...when Aai gingerly opened that wrinkled silvery packet.
And finally our festive dinner with the slice of bread torn apart into five pieces(with three large and two small) was something to remember for days.
#microfiction #drabble #shortstory #fiction