It rules this city. It keeps it alive.
Faith makes it breathe, laugh, squall and again, rejoice in the tranquil dusk after a dreadful the blooming love after a perished heartbreak and like a dazzle of hope in the incessant chaos.
No matter how much the fear and pain dance on streets and float in the air, stays.
No matter how much the anguish and distress blow their colours upon the people here, stays.
It is inherent. Intrinsic. Buried deep to the core.
Sometimes it peers through the twilight of the drowning sun,
sometimes it flows through the breeze of the dawn.
Sometimes it winks through twinkling stars,
And sometimes it smiles through the flawed moon.
Sometimes it flourishes with an evening prayer,
sometimes it shines with the crackers, lights or the decorated tree.
Sometimes it tells stories of triumphs and wars through fragrant pages,
And sometimes it dances with the melodies of odes.
Sometimes it is an exquisite idea coated with radiant colours and painted on a canvas,
And sometimes it is clicked within the haze of the zenith.
Sometimes, it is atoms or molecules or protons or neutrons,
While sometimes, it is epics of valour and courage.
Though sometimes it sinks in the lakes and seas with a garland of flowers and with hails all around,
Or though sometimes it ends with laughs and a celebration of food, gifts and desserts,
It still remains with a tint to arrive again.
And though it burns into flames and is crushed into ashes..
or is perished into soil with an elegy..
It still resurrects. It rises and gains life.
It is never vanished. It is never extinguished.
And faith..
It does not belong to someone. It is not magnificent for some and narrow for others. It is not vivid for some and gloomy for others. It is not black or pink..neither rich nor poor. Never weak. Never strong.
It is just a heart pounding in every single body and soul.